
6 months

Dear Hudson,
Half a year buddy! Today you are six months old. We just love being your parents and watching you grow. This last month has been a bit rough because you are teething like crazy. You've been a pretty cranky guy at night, but we still get a lot of smiles and laughs during the day. You're such a chunky kid and we love it.  You were pretty cranky today when I was taking pictures because you had a fever of 102.9!!! Hope you're feeling better soon.
  • Weight: 19lbs 6oz
  • Height: 29 inches
  • Sleep: What is that?! Up every 1-3 hours now. You've forgotten how to nap too.
  • Nicknames: Bug, Mister, Big Guy
  • Sitting up by yourself
  • Still chewing on everything these days
  • Favorite Book: Bed Time books
  • Favorite Toys: anything you can put in your mouth, sweatshirt strings
  • Starting to notice other people and babies
  • Quite the talker
  • No food yet, but soon
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big boy seat

Dear Hudson,
We switched you over to your "big boy seat" this week. You could still fit in your infant car seat, but you screamed every time we put you in it and just weren't happy. So for your Christmas present, we bought you a new car seat that gives you a bit more room. Hopefully this will make for a more pleasant trip back to Wisconsin.
You seem to like it and even figured out how to sleep in it. Running errands has been a bit more challenging, but you're old enough to sit in the basket of the cart and are happy as long as I remember to bring a toy along. You are not, however, a fan of riding in the big part of the stroller. We'll have to work on that one so you can go running with Daddy in the spring.
I can't believe how big you're getting!
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Dear Hudson,
It's hard to believe that it's December already and almost Christmas. It certainly is going to be an exciting month. We are headed back to Wisconsin for Christmas which means a road trip for you in the car with Sadie. Hopefully we will all have fun.
I haven't been very good at taking pictures lately because you are at the "Mommy (or Daddy) don't you dare leave the room or I will scream" stage. You are still lots of fun with tons of laughs, you just always want to be around the action. Sometimes we have to get creative to entertain you. Hence why you are in a laundry basket below. You've started pushing up with your arms when on your tummy so we know that crawling can't be too far off.

The weather in Colorado has been great.  It has been in the 50s and 60s so we've even taken a few trips to the park so we all don't go crazy!  Wisconsin is getting a blizzard right now so we are all in for a bit of a shock next weekend.  Don't worry, we'll pack lots of warm clothes.
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Dear Hudson,
We bundled you up and joined our friends for the Holiday Lights Parade. Of course it had been nice the day before but got cold for the night of the parade. You were more interested in the guys behind us instead of the actual lights. Good thing we had yummy warm soup back at home to eat so we could warm up.
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Dear Hudson,
We celebrating Thanksgiving a week early because most of our friends were going to be out of town. We had a great potluck dinner with lots of yummy things. You did a great job during the dinner. On Thanksgiving, we went to Sarah and Caleb's house and had lunch with them and the Downings. You had a major meltdown for awhile where you were hungry but didn't want to eat. And then suddenly, you were ok. You certainly keep us on our toes.
We have so much to be thankful for this year, but I am especially thankful to be your mama. I am so lucky to get to see you grow and change and become such a little man. I love you, bug!
Jennifer and Hudson
K-Group Girls
K-Group Boys & Alice
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Dear Hudson,
Look what you figured out to do! You can sit up on your own. Just last week you were still tripod sitting and couldn't really hold your torso up. It just clicked on Saturday and you could sit up and balance yourself. You're still a bit tippy so we sit right behind you just in case. You think it's the best thing ever because you can reach for your toys and puppy. We're so proud of you.
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Dear Hudson,
You love your daddy. Weekends are the best because Daddy is home all day to play.  Sometimes we start watching for Daddy when he should be coming home from work.  I can't wait for you to run to the door when he is home.
watching for daddy
we love daddy!
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Dear Hudson,
We survived our first round of germs this past week.  On Tuesday, you woke up at 5 am with a fever.  Daddy and I were ready to rush you to the ER, but we took a deep breath and turned our brains on (it was early!) and decided to wait a few hours to see how you were doing.  You fell back asleep in Daddy's arms and then spent most of the day sleeping in Mommy's arms.  You seemed to be handling the fever ok, so we didn't take you to the doctor.  Surprising, you weren't too cranky during the day.
On Thursday, I came down with whatever you had.  Daddy had to come home early from work to take care of you while I laid in bed with a fever.  It is hard to be a mommy when sick.  Thankfully by the next morning I was feeling much better.  Hopefully we won't have too many germs in the house this winter.


5 months

Dear Hudson,
Today you are 5 months old. 5 months, buddy! It doesn't seem like you're changing that much until we look back on pictures from a month ago. You are still drooling like crazy, but no teeth yet. No crawling yet either, for which I am very thankful. We're hoping you wait until after Christmas to learn that one so the tree will be spared. You're starting to sit up on your own for about 2 seconds before you tip over.
  • Weight: 18 lbs 11.5 oz
  • Height: 28 inches
  • Sleep: We've gone backwards in the sleep department. You're up at least twice a night now. Bed time is 7 pm.
  • Hates the Bumbo seat but likes the exesaucer ok
  • Chewing on everything these days
  • Favorite Book: Doggies by Sandra Boynton-it always gets a laugh
  • Favorite Toys: Sophie the Giraffe, burp cloths
  • Loves watching Sadie play fetch
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Dear Hudson,
Where did my itty bitty baby go?  It's crazy how much you're growing.

2 days old

150 days old



Dear Hudson,
I miss you when you go to bed.



Dear Hudson,
While Oma was visiting, we went to the Veteran's Day Parade downtown.  There were lots of marching bands and Junior ROTC groups.   You slept through the first part, but like to watch everything go by once you were awake.  The motorcycles were a little bit too loud for you.  It was such a beautiful Colorado day.  So glad we got to spend it outside.
We're so thankful for our friends Mr. Steve and Miss Carey today and everyday.  Mr. Steve is serving in the Air force over in Afghanistan.  We can't wait for him to come home because that means that Baby Abby will be here too! 

Hudson & Mr. Steve in July
Still cold at the start of the parade

Hudson & Mommy

Start of the Parade

Not a Fan of the Street Cleaners



Dear Hudson,
Your oma misses you very much so Opa surprised her with a trip out to visit us.  We had such a great time while she was here.  We surprised her at the airport because we just couldn't wait any longer to see her.  Of course we went to dinner at P.F. Changs because we always do when Van de Casteeles come to visit.  On Friday we went shopping with Oma and Daddy and then on Saturday we went to the Veterans Day Parade.
Saturday night was very special because Mommy and Daddy went on a date and then to a birthday party while Oma watched you.  You hadn't napped much during the day so you were a little bit cranky.  Oma got to rock with you in the rocking chair, which she loved.
Sunday was also very special because it was the baby dedication at church.  We are so thankful that Oma got to be at church for that.  Then, Oma had to get back on the plane to Wisconsin.  Luckily Christmas isn't too far away and we'll get to see her and Opa again.
You are such a loved little boy.

showing oma how you can jump

it was fun having oma in the back seat of the car with you

showing oma how you roll over and play with puppy on the floor

Hudson & Oma

reading books with oma



Dear Hudson,
Today was your baby dedication at Vanguard Church.  Daddy and I stood in front of church with you and were surrounded by Oma and our friends out here in Colorado as we prayed for you.  It was so special to have Oma in town to celebrate with us.  Afterward, we had a brunch at Kevin & Jen's house to celebrate you and Alice.
Daddy and I got to pick out a verse for the occasion.  With the help of Miss Jen, we picked Isaiah 50:7.  It says, "Because the Sovereign Lord helps me, I will not be dismayed.  Therefore, I have set my face like flint, determined to do His will."  This is what Daddy and I pray for you.  That you would come to know Jesus and understand his will for your life.  We also pray that you would be determined in whatever you do, no matter how little or big it is.  We are so glad to have such a great church family that has been praying for you even before you were conceived.  They love you almost as much as we do.

Look at my belly!