
day 3 in the hospital

Dear Miles,

The 2nd night in the hospital was a bit rough.  You were super restless because you were working on a big diaper for mommy in the morning.  Lots of grunting all night.  The nurse weaned you off of oxygen over night and you did great.  It was beginning to look like there was a chance we could go home today.

Hudson came to visit in the morning and got to come back for a quick hello.  He brought you a stuffed cow and made you a get well card.  I went and played outside and played cars with Hudson while Daddy hung out with you. 

You were not eating well this morning, and I had to pump a few times.  While you were napping in the afternoon, your oxygen levels were dropping so you went back on oxygen at a low level.  You perked up and started eating better too.

The nurse and doctor decided we should stay for another night.  Daddy was able to stop by for a quick visit while Hudson played with Corbin.  I know Daddy misses you so much and so does Hudson, although I think he misses his mommy more.

Hopefully tonight we'll both get some good sleep and you'll do good as they wean you off oxygen again.  If all goes well, we should get to go home tomorrow.


still cute, even with oxygen

daddy got to visit last night thanks to Miss Katie

so many tubes

a quick visit from big brother

you love your cow from big brother

mommy got a break outside to play with hudson


the worst day of mommy's life

Dear sweet Miles,
I hate to even have to write about today, but I don't want to forget it and the details are already getting fuzzy.  Thankfully, we already know that the outcome is good.

Your big brother had been sick for the last week with a bad runny nose and cough.  I tried really hard to keep you from getting sick.  Unfortunately on Saturday, you started coughing.  It didn't seem too bad and you were still eating and sleeping about the same.  We just layed low for the weekend, hoping that you would feel better.

On Monday evening, after you ate you just seemed different.  It seemed like you were having a hard time breathing and you were pretty listless.  Things got pretty crazy for about 30 minutes.  Daddy was talking with Oma and Opa on the phone and trying to get the internet to work.  Meanwhile, I was keeping an eye on you and set potholders on a burner that was still on and didn't realize it.  Luckily I didn't burn the house down.

We tried to suction your nose and when you didn't even cry, I realized we needed to take you to urgent care right away.  It was the longest drive of my life.  You weren't making any noise in the back seat.  When I got there, the lady at the desk took one look at you and sent us right back.  They quickly looked at you and got us in a room and got you started on oxygen right away.  Your oxygen level was only 88.  They did a chest x-ray, which was horrible and tested you for RSV, which was positive.

Then they transfered us to the hospital by ambulence.  It was the first time (and hopefully the last time) that I've ever been in one.  Meanwhile, Daddy called the Downings and Collin came to pick up Daddy and Hudson and bring Daddy to the car and take Hudson to their house.

You were stable enough that we didn't have to go to the hospital "hot" (with lights and sirens).  We were in the ER for awhile while they monitored you and quickly decided to keep you over night.  We had to wait awhile to get transferred upstairs.

We finally got to our room and got settled in.  Our nurse was amazing and made us feel comfortable right away.  Daddy left to go home and get a few hours of sleep.  You did pretty well that first night.  You stayed on oxygen and needed to be suctioned.  You weren't nursing very well and didn't have any wet diapers, so you were put on an IV at 6 am so you didn't get dehydrated.

The next morning, Daddy came back for a little while.  I ran home for a bit.  You were coughing a bunch and spit up a lot so you got some Tylenol to help you be more comfortable.  We just hung out and rested for the rest of the day.  

I'm so glad you're getting so great care and getting better.


Grandma Vicki comes to visit

Dear Hudson and Miles,
We were so lucky that Grandma could come visit us for 11 days.  We had so much fun with her.  The first week she was here, Hudson and Grandma played a lot.  They played lots of cars and had fun playing with playdough.  Mommy enjoyed getting lots of baby snuggles.

Unfortunately the 2nd week, Hudson got sick.  He had a super bad cold (which we later learned was RSV) and needed Mommy.  Grandma was happy to spend the week holding Miles. 

We were so thankful for all her help and for coming to stay with us.


a new drawing toy

hudson loved playing in the basement with grandma and the animals

hello handsome

making cookies for mommy

a fun new shark towel

snuggles with grandma

somebody's not feeling good

playing 'tatoes

grandma and her boys


on being a big brother

Dear Hudson,

You already are such a great brother.  You've been so excited for Miles to be born and love love him already.  You get so excited when he opens his eyes and run to tell us "brother open eyes".  You love to give him kisses and hugs and ask to hold him.  You've started wanting to hold his hand, which he is not a big fan of.  You're such a great helper and bring me burp clothes and blankets when I need them.

 We've had our ups and downs with the transition.  You, of course, don't like how much time I have to spend feeding him and that Miles wants to be held all the time.  You were definitely more whiny and had more meltdowns the first few weeks.  Those have thankfully been fading.  You're still pretty clingy at nap and bed time and want lots and lots of snuggles from Mommy.

I'm so excited for Miles to get bigger and you boys to get to play together.  I can't wait for the day you have bunk beds and share a room. 

I'm so proud of you!

breakfast at Evie's house the morning Miles was born

opening big brother presents

big brother cars


month 1

Dear Miles,
Happy 1 month birthday.  Already I am wanting time to slow down.  I am loving the newborn stage so much more this time around, partly because you seem more mellow than your big brother and also because we know what we are doing.

Weight: 8 lbs 11 ounces
Height: 20 inches
Clothing Size: newborn
Diaper Size: newborn, but we're moving up to size 1
Favorite Activity: eating
Sleeping: a great sleeper when you're being held; not so much in your pack n play
Eating: super duper champion eater! you nurse every 2-4 hours for about 30 minutes.  You will go 4 hours as long as Mommy isn't holding you.
What You're Up To: sleeping, eating and pooping.  starting to be awake more.  pretty good head control.  likes to be held upright.