

Dear Hudson,
I think you get cuter every day.

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Dear Hudson,
You have the best friends.  It's so fun seeing you and Alice start to play together.  You still love to watch Corbin and are fascinated by his little noises.  There are lots of little babies on the way so we snapped some quick pictures of the 2010 babies together before Abbie joins the group.


Dear Hudson,
We've had some pretty warm days for January around here (in the 50s) which has been great. We've taken Puppy to the park a few times and we even got to go for a walk with Daddy last weekend. You're getting used to riding in the stroller and are pretty content as long as we're moving.
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Dear Hudson,
You are such a great helper!! You love to help open the mail and change channels on the remote. You especially love to help Mommy check her email on the computer. Today you helped Daddy vacuum the house. Usually you scream the entire time I vacuum, but today you didn't mind it. Thanks for being such a great helper!
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7 months

Dear Hudson,
Today you are seven months old. I can't believe how fast the last month went. We spent half of the month in Wisconsin celebrating Christmas. This last month has brought some changes. You got your first tooth on January 3rd. We are so glad you got that tooth because you are sleeping so much better at night. Naps, on the other hand, are a different story. You will sleep in your crib for about 20 minutes before you start crying. The only way to get you to sleep more is to hold you and rock you. I'm enjoying all of the snuggles but Mommy is not getting much done during the day. You are super ready to crawl but haven't figure it out quite yet. You've pushed up a couple of times and managed to get your belly off the ground and you figured out how to string rolls together. I'm hoping that once you start crawling you will wear yourself out and nap better.
  • Weight: 20 lbs?? (we still have to weigh you)
  • Height: 29 inches
  • Sleep: Better at night, terrible napper
  • Nicknames: Bug, Mister, Big Guy
  • Sitting up by yourself, stringing rolls together
  • Favorite Book: Trucks go...
  • Favorite Toys: Cement Mixer, big dinosaur
  • Favorite Foods: Broccoli, Apples
I just love being your mama!!!
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yum yum

Dear Hudson,
It's time for food!!! We gave you some pieces of broccoli and avocado to see what you would do with it.  All your toys go straight for your mouth, but you were a bit more hesitant with the food.  You held on to the broccoli and "pet" it for awhile.  Eventually you sucked on it.  The avocado was slippery at first but you got the hang of it eventually.  We've also given you carrots, apple and cucumber.  You haven't actually swallowed any of it yet but you sure have had fun gnawing on it.  What a big boy you're getting to be.


christmas part 3

Dear Hudson,
At your third Christmas you got to see Grandpa Gene and Grammy Annette.  They were so excited to see you because they hadn't seen you since you were two months old!  You also got to meet Santa!!!!!!  I thought you would scream as soon as you saw him, but you sat on his lap for about 5 minutes opening your present.  Your cousin Rebecca was also very excited to see you and didn't really leave your side.

all dressed up

two happy girls to meet you

Grammy, Hudson, Rachel and Rebecca

new puzzles

"I got it, Mom"

Mickey Mouse Ears from Disney

Rebecca was so happy to hold you

meeting Santa

"you're funny looking"

"this isn't so bad"

happy Grandpa

Christmas part 2

 Dear Hudson,
The second part of our trip to Wisconsin was spent in Rapids with Grandma Vicki & Grandma Teri.  We had lots of fun there too.  You got lots of presents on Christmas morning.  Santa even left you a stocking.  There was lots of snow so we took you outside for awhile to play in it.  We also went to look at the lights at the Marshfield Zoo.
You really make Christmas fun!
Opening presents
Lots of new toys!

You would have been fine with some wrapping paper

A special book from Mommy

Lots of chewing on sweatshirt strings

Ready to look at the lights

You slept through the lights

Mommy & Daddy visiting the Stevens Point Brewery while you stayed with the Grandmas

Bundled Up!


Not Happy

Baby's 1st Snow Angel

Daddy pulled us around on the sled