
month 8

Dear Miles
Eight months already.  Some days I still feel like you should be a newborn.  You're such a happy guy.  No stranger danger yet, but you do like being in the midst of all the activity.  Still no teeth but you're super drooly and chewing on everything.  This month included another airplane trip, a Vande Vacation and you survived your first car trip from Wisconsin to Colorado. 

Here's what you're up to:
Weight: 17lbs 8oz (just a guess. no official weight this month
Clothing Size: 3-6 month
Diaper Size: 2, but cloth all the time except for at night
Favorite Activity: swinging, talking to brother
Sleeping:  2 naps a day.  sometimes you sneak a third one in in the mornings since you like to start the day at 5am
Eating: Nursing about every 3 hours.  You love food.  You're favorites are steak, hamburger, applesauce, yogurt, watermelon, berries.  You've tried everything we've given to you.
What You're Up To: "swimming" on your belly, sitting up and playing, wishing you could crawl, trying to get brother's toys

a blurry picture but you're hair is getting awesome