
a race car birthday party

Dear Hudson,
To celebrate you turning 3, we had all your friends (and their parents) over for a Lightning McQueen and 'Mater Party.  You had so much fun.  You were such a great host, sharing all of your outside toys.  My favorite part of the party was when you were sitting at the table with your friends during lunch.  Usually you are so shy, but you seemed to know that it was a special day all about you and you talked to your friends about cars and ice cream.  What a fun day celebrating you!

opening a present

the dads checking out the race track

thanking alice

a present from millie

batter up

on your mark...

get set...


millie loved the watermelon

no whole group shot with your friends

but we did get some pics with your friends

abby loved the race cars

lunch with friends

go mr. ben!

"happy birthday to me"

evie could either be found in the swing or sandbox

millie loves ice cream too




Dear Miles
Since you are 6 months old, I guess it's time for you to start eating real food.  We gave you some mashed avocado first, which you were a bit suspicious of at first but then gobbled it up.  We also gave you some broccoli to munch on. 

Since then, you've also had mashed banana, pureed pears, mashed sweet potato, carrot sticks, watermelon, cucumber, steak, chicken, egg yolk, zucchini stick.  You love gnawing on the big sticks of things and gobble up whatever we give you on a spoon. 


what's this?



hmm, yummy

what's this?

big fan of broccoli

happy, messy man

month 6

Dear Miles
Half a year buddy.  You're such a fun little guy.  This last month we spent lots of time in Wisconsin.  You also spent lots of time working on your teeth.  No teeth yet, but we think you're close.  You're stringing rolls together and love to hang out in the johnny jump up.  You went for your first swing ride with big brother in the back yard.  You've been a bit more crabby lately between having a cold and cutting teeth, but you're still a pretty contented little guy.

Weight: 14lbs 12 oz (7th%)
Height: 25.75 inches
Clothing Size: 3-6 month
Diaper Size: 2, but cloth all the time except for at night
Favorite Activity: chewing on Sofie the Giraffe or jumping in the johnny jump up
Sleeping:  you were just up once a night until this last week.  Silly teeth.  3 naps a day now: 1 1/2 hours in the morning, 1 1/2 hours in the afternoon and a quick one around dinner time.
Eating: nursing helps your teeth feel better.  you're easily distracted when eating.  no solid food yet.
What You're Up To: stringing rolls together.  chewing on everything.  watching big brother all the time.