

Dear Hudson,
It's hard to believe that it's December already and almost Christmas. It certainly is going to be an exciting month. We are headed back to Wisconsin for Christmas which means a road trip for you in the car with Sadie. Hopefully we will all have fun.
I haven't been very good at taking pictures lately because you are at the "Mommy (or Daddy) don't you dare leave the room or I will scream" stage. You are still lots of fun with tons of laughs, you just always want to be around the action. Sometimes we have to get creative to entertain you. Hence why you are in a laundry basket below. You've started pushing up with your arms when on your tummy so we know that crawling can't be too far off.

The weather in Colorado has been great.  It has been in the 50s and 60s so we've even taken a few trips to the park so we all don't go crazy!  Wisconsin is getting a blizzard right now so we are all in for a bit of a shock next weekend.  Don't worry, we'll pack lots of warm clothes.
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