
clean & congrats

Today I started to move stuff in to our new house/apartment. My wonderful friends Melissa and Carey came over to help me move stuff and clean our new place. We took over two car loads of stuff and then tackled the cleaning. It wasn't too dirty, but the cabinets and windows needed to be wiped down and the bathtub needed to be cleaned. Carey did wonders on the tub with some comet and Melissa tackled the kitchen cabinets while I cleaned the windows. Katie even stopped by with her lunch. It was so much fun to show off our new place. I can't wait to have all of our things there. Tonight, Mike is graduating!!!!!! Even though he won't be quite done with classes, it will still be fun to celebrate him. I am so proud of how hard he has worked. I'm excited to see what God has for our future (but I'm secretly hoping it involves staying in Colorado Springs for a little while more.) I can't believe that Mike is actually done (almost). It still doesn't seem like we've lived here that long, but it will be 3 years this September. We're so thankful for our small group and how they have become our family.

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