
busy month

July has been a busy month so far. Lots going on and lots of great time with friends. We signed the lease for our house tonight so now I really have to start packing. I've been procrastinating that for awhile. We also are dog sitting one of our favorite doggies Riley and Miranda and Holly are coming for a visit soon. July is just going to fly by. And then it will be time to think about school again. I'm sure I'll get excited once it's time, but right now, I am not ready to go back. On the veggie front, we made kale and black bean tacos again. They were much better because we used canned beans this time. Plus, I had them in hard shells which I liked much better. We start getting fruit this week. Lots of cherries. I realized this week that I don't think I've ever tried a real cherry. Hopefully I will like them since we're getting lots.


  1. i must admit....i laugh a little when i read about you trying new veggies. ;) my mom would be so proud. your mom would be shocked. can't wait to see what we eat when i'm there! only a few more days!

  2. and if you don't like them - GIVE THEM TO YOUR PAL JEN! i could LIVE in cherries. mike told kevin he thought 1.5 lbs was a lot and you might have to can some. kevin told me and i laughed because i bought 3 lbs last week and it lasted me about 4 days!
