
Happy Birthday Miles

Dear Miles,
I can't believe you're hear.  A little earlier than we expected, but we're so thankful that you are here.  You were determined to come and didn't waste any time.  Here's your story.
Contractions started around 3 pm on Sunday and were 10 minutes apart through all of k-group.  We made a plan with the Sonntags to bring Hudson to their house around 8pm after we got him dinner so we could get him settled since we thought we'd be heading to the hospital sometime over night.  We stopped at Panera for dinner on the way home from k-group and by the time we were home, contractions had slowed way down to 30 minutes apart and not super painful.  So we decided to keep Hudson for the night and to try to get some sleep and then get things going in the morning.  Clearly you had another plan.

When we went to bed, I fell asleep for about 10 minutes and then contractions picked up again.  After 3 or 4 pretty close ones, I started timing them again, in between trips to the bathroom. They were anywhere from 3 to 6 minutes apart already and intense.  I finally decided to wake Mike up around 11 and told him I thought we should at least get Hudson to the Sonntags before it got too late and then maybe come back home for a bit.

Hudson was dropped off at the Sonntags at midnight and headed straight to the hospital.  The whole time in the car contractions were about 5 minutes apart.  We got to the hospital and checked in quick to triage.  It was a super quiet night on the floor.  On the first contraction they monitored, Miles' heart rate dropped really really low so they were already talking about giving me fluids or oxygen.   Thankfully he did better on the next ones.   Contractions were intense but I was still pretty with it.  When I was checked, I was 8 cm already.  Good thing we got there when we did.

So we were quickly walked back to a room to get settled and hooked up to keep an eye on his heart rate.  No 3 hour shower or whirl pool tub this time.  I labored in bed on my side while they were finishing filling out everything and getting my hep lock iv in.  Already at this time I was feel pressure and like I wanted to push.   I had the nurse check me again and she said I was a 9 1/2 and wondered if we should get the doctor to break my water.

So the doctor came in and broke my water.  He was on call for our OB practice,but we loved him.  He broke my water and checked me again and said I was only an 8.  I wanted to punch him.  At this point, I feel like I was in transition, definitely thinking I could not do this anymore and crying and such.  You were also sunny side up, which is not how you want to push a baby out,  so I had to lay on my side to get you to turn and drop.

So maybe an hour after we got to our room, I really felt like I had to push.  This was not long after my water was broken.  And there was nothing I could do to not push.  Thought for a minute that the nurse was going to end up delivering the baby.  The doctor came back in and they got everything set up super quick, even though they were telling me to not push (yeah right).  I pushed for maybe 2 contractions and your heart rate was dropping again so the doctor just told me to push, even though I wasn't having a contraction.   And you was born at 1:52 am.  You were still sunny side up (face up) when you were born.

The cord was wrapped all around his body, but once they got him untangled, he started crying right away.  The doctor didn't cut the cord for at least 15 minutes.   And then we just loved on you for a long time.  You didn't want to nurse right away and certainly has a healthy set of lungs. 
You were 6 lbs 15 oz and 19 inches long.  We've compared pictures and think you totally looks like Hudson did after he was born.  We finally got settled upstairs around 4 and managed to catch about 2 hours of sleep this morning.  Your a pretty good nurser so far. 


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