

Dear Hudson, You have been kicking like crazy tonight. It's so fun to feel. You're dad even got to feel you for awhile. Another exciting thing is that we ate chicken the other day. It was Chic-fil-A and there was one close call, but we kept it down and I enjoyed the taste of it. I haven't been sleeping the best because I've had to start sleeping on my side. That is my least favorite way to sleep. It is getting better because I bought a snoogle pillow on the recommendation of Melissa. I'm finally getting used to it and starting to sleep more. Just so you know, I get pretty cranky when I don't get enough sleep so if you could help by not kicking quite so much at 4:30 every morning, that would be great. Also, I would love it if you would be a great sleeper when you are born. I know that there is not a good chance of that, but I'll probably be a happier mommy if you are. Love Mom


  1. I just found your blog through Jenn's blog. I am sending good sleeping vibes from my house to yours. Hope the snoogle works. It was a life-saver for us!

  2. Dear Hudson,

    I am praying you are a good sleeper, obedient little man, and that you know how much your mom and dad (and all their crazy friends) love you.

    You may have to start going to TT pretty soon after birth though. You are one lucky kid to have so many great men surrounding you.

    Love you!
    Aunt Jen

    P.S. I am planning on being your favorite aunt, so just get ready for that. I will make sure my wild boys don't rub off on you too much.
