Dear Hudson,
It's hard to believe you are already 3 months old. You are growing and changing every day. This past month you got to go to Wisconsin. Daddy is happy that football season is here. There's lots of cuddles on Sundays during the games.
- Weight: 16 lbs 5 oz
- Height: they didn't measure you this time
- Sleep: usually sleep 6 hours right away and then another 4-5 hours. We have had a few 7 or 8 hour nights
- Still hates tummy time. You can roll from your back to side or side to belly, but haven't put it all together yet.
- Likes to sing songs and laugh & giggle
- Reaching for everything and can grab on sometimes
- Favorite Book: Baby Einstein Mirror Me - you love looking at the page with Webster the Sun
- Favorite Toys: Tiger (thanks Oma!) and Lion
Mommy & Daddy
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