
12 months

Dear Miles,
Happy Birthday!!!! Somehow you are already 1. This year has flown by.  You're such a fun little guy and we can't wait to see what this next year brings for you and our family.  We think you are currently working on 4 new teeth at once, so you've been a bit more crabby lately and not the best sleeper, but I'm pretty sure we'd be crabby too if our mouths hurt that much.  Food is still your greatest love in life, but you're also enjoying playing with brother and crusing along on the couch these days.  No walking while holding hands or going up stairs yet, but I'm sure that will come shortly.

Here's what you're up to:
Weight: around 19lbs
Height: 27 inches or so
Clothing Size: 6-9, 9 month and some 12 month. 
Diaper Size: 3
Teeth: 2 top and 2 bottom but seems like you're working on 4 more.
Words: Mama, Dada, Ada, UhOh
Favorite Activity: eating
Sleeping:  sometimes 2 naps and sometimes just 1 nap.  You love to take a long morning nap some days and then you're a disaster by bed time.  Other days you take 2 naps and don't head to bed until closer to 9.  We just can't figure you out these days.
Eating: Anything you can get your hands on, including baby wipes :).  We introduced wheat things this month and you certainly love cheerios and goldfish.  Meat and veggies are still a favorite and you thought Thanksgiving was the greatest day ever.
What You're Up To: clapping along to music, patting brother on the back, playing with the toy kitchen, ripping paper, crawling everywhere


celebrating miles

Dear Miles,
You're almost 1.  To celebrate we had our friends over for dinner and to play.  You, of course, enjoyed dinner the most.  You were also a big fan of your cookie.  Hudson liked helping you open your presents.  Mommy decided that we always need Oma at our parties.  We love you so much little man and are so very thankful that you are a part of our family.