
fun with grandpa

Dear Hudson & Miles
Grandpa was able to come for a quick weekend visit to meet Miles and play with Hudson.  Grandpa quickly learned about how short a 2 1/2 year olds attention span is and had fun playing play dough, legos, cars, puzzles, water table outside, in the sandbox and reading books.  Grandpa introduced Hudson to Angry Birds, which was lots of fun.  Miles loved talking to Grandpa and always had a story to tell him.  On Sunday, we went mini-golfing, which was a blast.  Hudson did so well, and even got a hole in one on the last whole.  What a fun weekend!


month 4

Dear Miles,
Somehow time keeps going on and you are now 4 months old.  What a sweet happy baby you are.  You caught a cold from your big brother, but other than a stuffy nose, you've been weathering it just fine.  You've started reaching and holding onto toys.  You also have figured out how to get your hands in your mouth and love to chew on your fingers.  I hope this doesn't mean you're already teething.  You are cooing all the time now, even at 4 am.  It's hard to remember life without you, my sweet sweet boy.

Weight: 12 lbs 6 oz
Height: 24 inches
Clothing Size: 0-3 month, but we just pulled out the next size
Diaper Size: 1, but usually cloth diapers
Favorite Activity: looking and talking to cow, holding onto cow
Sleeping:  still sleeping great! usually just up once a night.
Eating: every 3 hours.  you spit up all the time, even hours after you ate.  not too gassy these days.
What You're Up To: lots of laughs for daddy, rolling over from belly to back, rolling to side from back to belly, grabbing toys, watching brother and puppy, lots of "talking"


happy easter

Dear Hudson & Miles
We had such a fun time celebrating Easter with our friends today.  The big kids had an egg hunt in the back yard.  It was so beautiful outside that we got to eat outside and spent the rest of the evening playing outside.  Hudson, you did such a great job sharing all your toys with your friends.  When I asked you that night what you wanted to do the next day, you said have your friends over to play again.  We will have to do that soon.

so excited for friends to be here

Miles getting some love from the girls

hunting eggs

playing frisbee with the big people


a squinty family picture

flying baby

daddy gets the best laughs from you

the downings