
a week with Grandma

Dear Hudson,
Grandma came to visit this week.  We had so much fun.  You played lots of cars with her and showed her all your toys.  You got really good at saying Grandma and always made sure she was with us.  We took her to the zoo, the library and Garden of the Gods.  We also spent sometime playing outside with water.  There even was a water fight with Grandma.  She taught you to say "overboard" and "uh-oh spaghetti o's".  
You were so sad to have to drop Grandma off at the airport.  Yesterday after she left, you kept looking down the stairs saying "g-ma".  I miss her too, buddy.


21 months

Dear Hudson,
It's been awhile since I've done a monthly post.  I always write them in my head, but then we get busy and I forget.  You are so fun at this age.  We love being silly with you.  You're all about words these days, asking what everything is called.  You copy anything we say and remember lots of names for things.  Trucks and cars are still your favorite.  You even know the sound of garbage trucks as they drive by.  When we see a bus on the road, you ask for "more bus."

This last month, you've really gotten into music.  You love singing wheels on the bus and do the motions and sometimes sing "all town".  You also love the Itsy Bitsy Spider and Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes (especially when Opa sings it on the computer). 

We've had great weather recently so we've spent a lot of time outdoors.  I'm pretty sure we will spend everyday this summer in the backyard.  You love to chase bubbles, paint with water and throw your trucks on the ground (such a boy.)

You do have your moments of toddlerness.  You really like routine and struggle if things change, like if mommy tries to walk out of the house without her purse.  We recently had to start limiting the number of books we read before bed.  If it was up to you, it'd be 50, but after a few challenging nights, you understand that 4 is a better number.  Right now, we are trying to convince you that you don't need to carry around 3 cups all the time. 

I don't know how tall you are (but pretty tall) or how much you weigh (a lot!).  You're still in 2T clothes but some of your shirts are starting to get a bit small.  You have 16 teeth, now just the 2 year molars are left.  Your last couple of teeth are still bugging you as they come all the way in.  We'll be so glad when they're all here.

Oh sweet boy, how you make us laugh everyday.  You sometimes ask for "more kiss", which just melts my heart.  After dinner, you run laps from the front door to the back door.  You also run circles around puppy.  She still doesn't quite know what to do with you.  You have to give her a hug every night before bed.  You love your Llama Llama books and we read them every night while you hold llama.

I love you so much!

You don't like to sit still much, but you hung out in the laundry basket for 30 minutes yesterday so I got some cute pictures of you.



Dear Hudson,
We've been enjoying such nice weather.  Everyday after your nap you ask to go outside.  Since it was warm enough, I decided to give you some water to "paint" with.  You had such a great time.  You loved it when I drew you a fire truck and when we made hand prints.


run daddy run

Dear Hudson,
Your daddy is a super star runner.  We headed to Denver to watch him compete in a half marathon.  You had lots of fun watching everyone run past and kept saying (and signing) "more runners".  We made some signs to cheer him on.  Daddy made his goal of finishing in under 2 hours.  Way to go, Daddy!

go daddy

watching for daddy

"more runners"

hi daddy!

crossing the finish line

cheering is hard work