
oh oh it's magic

Dear Hudson,
You are such a funny guy these days.  Daddy and I spend a lot of time laughing at how silly you are.  Here's a little video that shows just how silly you are.  We didn't teach you to do this at all.  You just started doing it one night at dinner.



Here's a little video of you swimming.  Super cute!

just keep swimming

Dear Hudson
Boy, you really love swim lessons.  Daddy had Labor Day off, so he got to come with us.  You're favorite part is when you get to throw your ball and "swim" after it.  You also love going down the slide into the water and "jumping" off the side.  You're not the biggest fan of floating on your back.  You usually try anything to get out of doing that.  We've dunked you under a few times, and you always come up looking startled, but you don't cry.  You certainly are a little fish.

haircut haircut

Dear Hudson
You were very overdue for a haircut.  Your mohawk was almost to your eyes and you had quite the rat tail going in the back.  I was not feeling brave enough to tackle the cut so we took you to Great Clips.  Let's just say you're not a fan of getting your hair cut.  As soon as we sat in the chair, you started to cry.  Luckily, the lady was super quick and did a great job.  I think you look super cute!


front before

back before

first cuts

not a fan

get this off of me

so sad

looking good, mister



Dear Hudson,
We found this cute outfit when we were in Northern Wisconsin and had to get it for you. It's your second nature shirt, both of which have wolves on them. Daddy likes to make fun of me for my nature shirt love. He also thinks it's weird that I sponsered a wolf when I was a kid. I can't wait until you put that on your birthday list someday, like I did (although it may be a giraffe).
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Dear Hudson,
It has been a hot, hot summer. I found a little pool on clearance at Target and decided that we needed it for the backyard. You seem to like it, although it's pretty cold water. We had your friends over for an afternoon of swimming. And Sadie likes to drink the water when we're outside. I think we'll have lots of fun for the rest of the summer and next summer, too!