
On Wisconsin

Dear Hudson,
Because it is fall, we have been watching a lot of football around here.  It's kind of what Daddy does on Saturdays and Sundays.  Oma and Opa got you this cute Wisconsin Badger outfit to wear when we cheer for them.  Even though you were born in Colorado, we're going to do everything we can to make you a Wisconsin fan.

Mom & Hudson

Put Me In Coach

Future Linebacker


jump jump

Dear Hudson,
Now that you're 4 months old, you can hang out in the Johnny Jump Up.  You absolutely love it.  It's hanging in the kitchen which is great because it keeps you occupied while I am cooking or cleaning up the kitchen.  You especially like it because Sadie is right at your height.  Sadie likes it because she can give you big kisses.  I'm glad you like to hang out in it since you don't really like your bouncy seat these days.


4 months

Dear Hudson,
4 months already! Time is moving too fast.  You're such a fun baby and I love getting to stay home with you.  We spend most of our days reading books and playing on the floor.  You figured out how to roll from your back to your belly and from your belly to your back, although you don't do it much because you're still not a fan of tummy time.  You have so many smiles and laughs for us now, but when it's nap time, it's nap time!
  • Weight: 18 lbs 2 oz
  • Height: 27 inches
  • Sleep: 12 hours a night, but you get up once in the middle.  We just backed your bed time up to 8 and you seem much happier.  You take 3 naps a day, with one usually being 1 1/2-2 hours.
  • Rolling over when you feel like it; starting to tripod sit
  • Loves bouncing on our knees and in the Johnny Jump Up
  • Holding on to toys and bringing them to your mouth
  • Favorite Book: All of them! We love story time.
  • Favorite Toys: Playing cups with dad, blankets and burp cloths
  • Loves naked time and bath time.  Starting to play with toys in the tub.
I love watching you grow and I'm so glad I get to be your mommy.



Dear Hudson,
Yesterday you got to have quite the adventure with Daddy.  I was at class so you were hanging out with Daddy for the evening.  You guys took puppy to the park, but when you got back to the house, Daddy realized he didn't have his keys.  He called a couple of friends to see if they have our spare key with them, but they didn't.  Then he checked the windows, and luckily, one of them wasn't latched all the way.  So Daddy climbed through the window with you in the carrier.
When he told me about it, I just laughed.  He said it was almost one of those times where you guys don't tell mom what happened, but not quite.  I'm pretty sure Daddy can't wait to take you on those kind of adventures.



Dear Hudson,
Your hair right now is pretty awesome. It is definitely coming in pretty thick in the middle and sticks up all the time. Especially after you've had a bath. It looks like you are sporting a faux hawk. Just adds to your already incredibly cute face.
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Dear Hudson,
You are really starting to notice everything around you. You follow puppy when she walks by and really look at the pictures in books. You also love looking at Baby Corbin. I know that you two will be great friends as you grow up.
I am so thankful for all of our friends out here. I'm glad you have two baby friends already with 3 more on the way.

"Why is he so little, Mom?"
Alice, Hudson & Corbin - picture taken by Melissa 
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Dear Hudson,
You and I went to the pumpkin patch to get a pumpkin.  Daddy stayed home to watch the Packers (and because it was just girls going).  We picked the coldest, rainiest day.  It was nice and warm in the barn.  You got to see lots of different animals. 
a pig

a sheep

a cow

jennifer and the llama

we met a llama!

you were not to impressed with the animals

melissa, alice and the llama

a goat

cutie boy with pumpkins

hurray for fall

pretty soon their bellies will be that big

it's hard to carry babies and pumpkins.  good thing they had a wheelbarrow

I can't wait to carve the pumpkin with you and dress you in your halloween costume.




Dear Hudson,
Look who stopped by to visit! Great-grandpa Van de Casteele stopped in for a few hours on his way to Texas. He sure was excited to see you.
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Dear Mama,
Daddy said to remind you that I'm a boy and there will be lots of knocking things over in the future. It's really fun.
stacking them up
let me at 'em
what will happen if...
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Dear Hudson,
I'll take "I Love You" anyway I get it. I love you too.

Hudson's hand while nursing